Anal 4K. I know that there must be men of good taste among you. Yes, yes, shy betas who think it's dirty or vulgar can fuck. It's not like you got a cat anyway. There are a lot of quizzes, compatibility tests and all kinds of astrological nonsense that people use to find the right girl. ruin everything. The bitch who lets her asshole get drilled by a forearm sized cock goes to bed. That's how a girl knows whether to ride or die.
In case we somehow haven't put it all together, this time we're talking about hot anal porn. We wanted the highest quality content that money could buy. Fuck a low quality video where the asshole pornstar doesn't even know if it's her pussy. If you want to see pixels, jump on JAV sluts who are dominated. No, I wanted the best. So I went to This is a premium anal porn site full of the hottest babes to rub your ass with.
Watch hot preview clips before you buy
This premium porn site has been offering paid cuckolds the best anal videos since 2014. At least that's what the results say. I have my doubts, but I'll explain it in a moment. In fact, I think this is a fairly new site, the owners of which have recently acquired the domain. Scroll through previews of the latest videos added to the catalog.
There are only 10 or so previews, but clicking one gives you a quick 1 minute preview of the scene. Below you will find 4K preview images and a link to sign up for a full premium account. Yes, this site will cost you money. You can't get those juicy 4K UHD videos without buying a membership with a credit card.
Try a premium membership for just $1 a day
There is nothing else on the preview site worth checking out. There is a page with a list of four hotties who are in some of the scenes. These are not the biggest names, but you can find talented butts in the catalog such as Vina Sky and Alice Pink. You can. I'm not going to get a lot of hot interracial scenes from this site.
The whole point is that white beauties get their asses stretched by other white dudes. If you want to see Asian, Black or Latino sluts getting their asses filled with cum, you need to go somewhere else. There may be one video that is a bit confusing, but I hope it adds spice to the catalog over time. It's nice to sprinkle the mixture with some interesting stuffing.
Save hundreds of dollars with an annual subscription
From there, it's time to get a membership. You can try out a membership for just one day by putting it in your knuckles. Every time you use it, you only pay $1. You can cancel it at any time by contacting this site's 24/7 customer support. If you want to add a few more numbers, you can try it for a month for $29.95 per billing cycle. If you want to dig deeper into this site and save money, you can get a three-month membership for $19.98/month or an annual subscription for $9.95/month.
After authorization, you will see your personal account on the site. It still has the same sleek black design with a video preview in the center of the site. The site divides the list into the newest scenes and the highest rated scenes. Click to view all to see the full list of videos, which can be sorted by release date, popularity, number of plays, or alphabetically. You can also filter out pornstars who want their ass plowed.
Catalog of slender but fast-growing anal creampie scenes in 4K resolution
However, it is not necessary to use these options. I had my suspicions that the site is brand new, but the extremely thin catalog confirms this. As of February 2022, there are 10 videos on the site. that's all. You can sit for 4-5 hours and watch all the videos that Anal4k has to offer. I know this sounds like a nail in the coffin. Looking at the upload date, the content only started uploading in the last few weeks. Therefore, we have no doubt that more content will be added in the future.
The content here is the next fucking level. Each video page offers large 4K UHD videos that can be streamed without buffering or interception. And this is over 30 minutes of full-length scenes in which whores stretch their holes. Below the video player are links to trailers, screenshots, photos, and direct download links. Whether your membership is short term, you can download and save the videos you want from this site.
Great mobile experience.
Of course, mobile sites are also available. In particular, preview is not available on mobile devices.To watch this premium anal porn on the go, you need to become a paid member. You can easily log into your profile and download these videos directly to your mobile device. Make sure you have secure storage. These are large files. But yes, the video loads on my mobile device and plays stably. This is a reliable mobile version of the site.
Favorite features of ThePornDude
The quality of the porn on offer here couldn't be better. You can see every detail in these 4K anal videos. It's like you're right there in action. And these are not the short 5-10 minute videos you see on other premium porn sites. These are complete asses, each containing 30-40 minutes of ass. Of course, the workmanship is amazing. The site is user-friendly, the mobile version is excellent. This premium site doesn't have anything I was looking for.
ThePornDude offers
This site should continue to work quickly with this directory. We charge people over $30 a month for a membership that only includes 10 fucking videos. understood. The site is just launching. But while you don't have that content, consider lowering your asking price. I don't understand. You can see horny fappers getting angry and feeling cheated, especially if the content is taking a long time to load. I don't think so. Content seems to be added fairly quickly. But even then, it's not the best deal in its current state.
ThePornDude's final thoughts
All in all, might be the best premium porn site out there. Since they only have a few videos in their catalog, this might not be the best deal right now, but you should keep an eye on this site. This is in fact when I recommend returning. Consider putting that shit aside for a few months and then breaking it into pieces. You can use the $1 membership to your advantage and see if your content catalog grows. Once it's up to your standards, you need to get into it. The anal content here is incredibly fap worthy. All anal addicts are advised to bookmark this site and visit it from time to time.